Sunday, October 14, 2007


I really appreciate a well made build in Second Life so, I decided to make a blog about the places I visit. It could be anything from a themed Sim, an interesting store or simply some one's home. I am not a very good writer so I am hoping the photos I take will speak for themselves :)

Now if I could just remember who made the fanny pack...

Love, Tourist Aly


NYSUT Cyberbullying Course said...

I LOVE the poloroid effects of your photos. How do you do that? And BTW, I've just added your new blog to my Bloglines account! Congrats and Happy Travels!

Alyssum Therian said...

Laelia, I JUST saw this comment. YIKES! I made the poloroid in PS. I can send you the file if you'd like. What is the link to your bloglines? I'll add you to my links :)

Unknown said...

whatz ur imvu username?